Connections Individual and Family Services


CONNECTIONS INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY SERVICES Connections Individual and Family services (CIFS) is a nonprofit organization based out of New Braunfels, Texas. Since 1981, they have strived to create a safe environment for homeless, abused, and at-risk youth in their community. Since then, they have expanded their services to 17 rural communities in Texas.

Kendall Co. Women’s Shelter


KENDALL CO. WOMEN'S SHELTER Kendal Co. Women's Shelter (KCWS) provides safe, emergency shelter in a supportive environment where Texas Hill Country victims of domestic violence and their children can begin the healing process and receive the support services they need to build new lives. They are based out of Boerne, Texas, where they



GIRLS ON THE RUN DFW Girls on the Run (GOTR) of the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex inspires ALL girls to build confidence and make intentional decisions, while fostering care and compassion for self and others. Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills in every girl



RISE Resources Inspiring Success and Empowering (RISE) aims to bridge the disparity gap between the transitioning youth, young adult and their community through education, mentoring, advocacy, outreach and awareness. At RISE youth participate in mentoring sessions and youth-adult partnerships. RISE is seeing the positive impact of these partnerships everyday! Over the past two

San Antonio Threads


SAN ANTONIO THREADS San Antonio Threads mission is to provide a safe and nurturing shopping experience for teens (ages 12-21) who are homeless, in the foster care system, in emergency situations, or otherwise referred to the nonprofit. With increased social skills, confidence, and the right attire, teens served by San Antonio Threads are

Global Citizenship


GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Global Citizenship works to provide youth and their families an opportunity to gain a better understanding and appreciation of different cultures. It is a collaborative effort by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences. Global Citizenship aspires to promote their program participants’ cultural competence, increase

City of Bryan


CITY OF BRYAN YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISSION (YAC) The City of Bryan Youth Advisory Commission (YAC) serves as an advisor to the Bryan City Council. The commission is in place to provide a voice for the teen community and they advise the council on issues affecting the youth within the City of Bryan. The

City of Austin


CITY OF AUSTIN COMMUNITY YOUTH DEVELOPMENT (CYD) PROGRAM The 78744 Community Youth Development Program funds an array of prevention services that support families and enhance the positive development of youth in the 78744 zip code. TYAN GRADUATE! Austin, TX Youth Members Years with TYAN

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