Rising Stars Academy of Dance and Performing Arts


RISING STARS ACADEMY OF DANCE AND PERFORMING ARTS RSA of Dance & Performing arts is an organization that provides mentoring, quality education and arts experiences to underserved youth. They seek to grow youth into confident leaders for the next generation. ABOUT RSADPA Manvel, TX Active Members Years of work



GIRLS ON THE RUN DFW Girls on the Run (GOTR) of the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex inspires ALL girls to build confidence and make intentional decisions, while fostering care and compassion for self and others. Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills in every girl



MADLINEMAN MADLINEMAN aims to teach and support the continued growth of male youth by providing a trusted opportunity of expression through cooperative fellowship and interactive experiences. MADLINEMAN foresees the youth they work with serving as “Life Skills Ambassadors” to a wider youth demographic. Essentially, seeking to “train the trainer” so their youth can

Boykins Youth Foundation


BOYKINS YOUTH FOUNDATION The Boykins Youth Foundations focuses on expanding the overall fitness (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) of youth and their ability to effectively cope with life events such as bullying and academic advancement. Youth learn leadership skills through the interaction health, wellness, fitness and activities along with healthy eating. ABOUT BYF

Hearts in Motion


HEARTS IN MOTION Hearts in Motion is dedicated to using the art of dance to educate, motivate, and inspire the youth to lead healthy physical and emotional lives. They work to instill positive body image in youth and foster a safe to create their own art. VISIT HEARTS IN MOTION

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