We’ve all heard how exercise is good for our bodies, but many don’t realize that it’s good for our minds too. There are many reasons why caring adults should encourage their youth to exercise. Youth who exercise show fewer symptoms of anxiety or depression and have greater self-esteem (Trautner, 2018). They are also more likely to continue exercising later in life.

Lifestyle changes can be difficult to stick as an adult. Living a healthy life early will encourage youth to continue into adulthood. Encouraging youth to be active can help establish healthy habits. In turn, these healthy habits can help reduce their chances of obesity (Trautner, 2018). Staying home during the COVID-19 pandemic does not mean that youth shouldn’t stay active. Here are a few creative ways to keep youth active and healthy from home.


Being stuck in the house would make anyone bored and antsy, especially kids! For an inexpensive activity, use a balloon for balloon volleyball with your family. You can set up a large sheet as a net or establish sides with a chair or table in the middle of the room. If the ball touches the ground, the other team gets a point. For an extra challenge, blow up several balloons and throw them into the air at once. Whoever can keep all the balloons in the air the longest wins!


Taking the time to exercise as a family can help create healthy routines for the youth in our lives. Consider taking a daily walk or bike ride around the neighborhood to keep your youth active. Make sure to keep the temperature in mind when deciding what time to take your walk or bike ride. Consider adding a hike or a swim once a month for even more family friendly physical activity.


When the weather is not ideal for outdoor physical activity, bring the exercise indoors! Playing video games like Wii Sports, Just Dance, and more can help get your heart rate up from your own home. This is a great way to combine youth’s everyday activities with cardio.


This next suggestion will need a bit of supplies and creativity. Test your youths problem-solving skills, balance, and strength by creating an obstacle course! Set up this activity in a long hallway or any other narrow space in your home. Attach streamers or tape to either side of your hallway walls to create “lasers”. If someone touches the lasers, they must start over. For extra difficulty, add “booby traps” by place bubble wrap or balloons on portions of the walls and floor.


Getting the day started on the right foot is important for youth and adults alike. Waking up a little early and doing yoga is a perfect way to relax while exercising! This activity is ideal for all age groups. YouTube has a wide selection of free instructional videos for all experience levels.


Dancing is a great way to get a full-body workout without sacrificing a bit of fun! You can find virtual dance lessons anywhere from YouTube to nonprofits. Hearts in Motion is an organization that uses dance to inspire the youth to lead healthy lives. They work to instill positive body image in youth and foster a safe place to create their own art. During COVID-19, they are offering virtual lessons. We suggest checking them out! Dancing is a great activity for all age groups and the perfect family fitness activity!


With many children going to school virtually, youth are spending less time moving. Making time for a quick stretch or dance is a good way to keep youth moving during school time. Even five minutes every hour will make all the difference!


Tracy Trautner, Michigan State University Extension. (2018, November 19). Benefits of children being active. MSU Extension.



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