Welcome to the Pods!
After almost four years of developing ways to spread Positive Youth Development, Texas Youth Action Network (TYAN) is proud to announce our newest addition, Pods
TYAN’s Youth-Adult Partnership Dictionary
TYAN has created a short list that we coined our “dictionary” to help you understand the lingo used when talking about YAPs. Read below to get an idea of what goes into the successful creation of a Youth-Adult Partnership!
Best Foot Forward: Tips On Attending Conferences
Many organizations are in the transition phase to normal operations in the aftermath of working remotely. We know the stress of readjusting back to face-to-face life all too well, so we made a list of do’s and don’ts you can follow for guidance, along with a checklist you can use to prepare for your conference.
Youth Mental Health In a Pandemic
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health amongst youth was already declining between 2009-2019. Everything that has occurred since the 2020 pandemic, has only added to the struggles youth face.
Summer Activities for Texas Youth
With summer quickly approaching, youth across Texas are eager for their break from school. But with three months to fill, finding ideas to keep your youth engaged can be difficult. Lucky for you, TYAN can help!
Youth Expression Through Art!
Art can be a great way for youth to calm their anxieties and help them cope with other mental health issues. We have gathered some activities for your youth to help get their creative wheels spinning!