After almost four years of developing ways to spread Positive Youth Development, Texas Youth Action Network (TYAN) is proud to announce our newest addition, Pods. With 60+ Community Partners, TYAN has established a strong foundation of individual organizations across the state. Through this new venture, TYAN is working to scale this mission into smaller, regionally-based forces. In doing so, youth development organizations in close geographic locations will have the chance to network with others, share their experiences, and participate in community-based activities.
What is a Pod?
A Pod is a collection of Community Partners, youth organizations, or individuals working together in a specific DSHS public health region. The goal is that through collaborating on a closer scale, organizations will gain better insight into the needs of youth in their community. Pods will also be more equipped to tackle youth issues due to the conjunction of resources brought forth by members.
Each Pod will be led on an annual basis by a selected organization. In the initial launch, TYAN is happy to present the first two Pod leaders, Helping Youth Prepare for Employment (HYPE) of Region 7 and Bravissimo of Region 6. Long-standing TYAN Community Partners and proud servers to youth in their community, HYPE and Bravissimo were chosen as Pod leaders because of the excellence, determination, and selflessness they displayed in their Cohorts.
What’s Next?
More Pods are expected to launch as early as September, and one may be in your community soon! For updates on this TYAN expansion, follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter and subscribe to our email list below.
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