Hello everyone. My name is Ronda Jackson and I currently reside in Hearne, TX (born and raised). I went to Prairie View A&M University where I majored in Agriculture with an Economics focus (B.S.) My graduate degree is in Human Science Marriage and Family Therapy (M.S.) My role in TYAN is to work closely with our network of community partners and coalition leaders. I am responsible for technical assistance with our network members, facilitation of the TYAN Learning Collaborative, overseeing the TYAN Mentor Pilot and Regional Pod Pilot, as well as approving payments for deliverable completion and some curriculum development. As you could imagine, I never run out of things to do! As busy as this project keeps me, one of my favorite things about TYAN is when you become a part of the TYAN team, you’re not just there because you’re needed; you’re wanted. It is the collection and collaboration of ideas that makes this team so unique and successful. If you join our network, you will get to know me well through our TA calls and the Learning Collaborative, but a few fun facts about me: I am a boy mom, first and foremost! I consider myself to be a lifelong learner, so I’m always learning and creating. Quoting movies is an involuntary habit turned hobby. Art is a passion of mine, mostly music. I am a musician (vocal and instrument) and can turn almost anything into a song! I am also a published author. Outside of work, I enjoy completing DIY projects at home, following a middle schooler to all his sporting activities, going to church, living, laughing, and loving!