Kendall Co. Women’s Shelter


KENDALL CO. WOMEN'S SHELTER Kendal Co. Women's Shelter (KCWS) provides safe, emergency shelter in a supportive environment where Texas Hill Country victims of domestic violence and their children can begin the healing process and receive the support services they need to build new lives. They are based out of Boerne, Texas, where they



RISE Resources Inspiring Success and Empowering (RISE) aims to bridge the disparity gap between the transitioning youth, young adult and their community through education, mentoring, advocacy, outreach and awareness. At RISE youth participate in mentoring sessions and youth-adult partnerships. RISE is seeing the positive impact of these partnerships everyday! Over the past two



MADLINEMAN MADLINEMAN aims to teach and support the continued growth of male youth by providing a trusted opportunity of expression through cooperative fellowship and interactive experiences. MADLINEMAN foresees the youth they work with serving as “Life Skills Ambassadors” to a wider youth demographic. Essentially, seeking to “train the trainer” so their youth can



CYBER-INFRASTRUCTURE AND SPATIAL DECISION INTELLIGENCE (CIDI LAB) Cyber-infrastructure and Spatial Decision Intelligence (CSDI) research group investigates intersections between GIScience, Decision Science, and cyber-infrastructure to develop scalable, high-performance, and open decision support software tools and spatial solutions to support intelligent spatial decision-making in various application domains e.g., disaster management, water resources management, agriculture risk

Global Citizenship


GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP Global Citizenship works to provide youth and their families an opportunity to gain a better understanding and appreciation of different cultures. It is a collaborative effort by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences. Global Citizenship aspires to promote their program participants’ cultural competence, increase

Boykins Youth Foundation


BOYKINS YOUTH FOUNDATION The Boykins Youth Foundations focuses on expanding the overall fitness (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) of youth and their ability to effectively cope with life events such as bullying and academic advancement. Youth learn leadership skills through the interaction health, wellness, fitness and activities along with healthy eating. ABOUT BYF

Southwest Glenn Mission


SOUTHWEST GLEN MISSION Southwest Glen Mission 501(C) 3 (SGM) serves low income, at-risk children, youth, and their families in multifamily communities where they live. Board members, certified teachers, university and Pre-Med students, retired engineers, clergy and community volunteers donate their time, talent, and resources to help implement the many programs offered. Their programs

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