Cyber-infrastructure and Spatial Decision Intelligence (CSDI) research group investigates intersections between GIScience, Decision Science, and cyber-infrastructure to develop scalable, high-performance, and open decision support software tools and spatial solutions to support intelligent spatial decision-making in various application domains e.g., disaster management, water resources management, agriculture risk management, national security, and critical infrastructure protection

The CIDI Lab aims to provide K-12 students with geography, GIScience, and programming education to help them advance their STEM skills. Their research group has organized several workshops involving youth with the Texas A&M University Chinese school. CSDA has held a workshop and lab sessions for GIS education. Youth worked as a group to do research and presented their results in conferences.

College Station, TX

Active Members
Years with TYAN

“It amazes me to see how every youth learn and develop skills differently. They are smart, energetic, motivated, and creative.”

Dr. Zhe Zhang – Program Director


Through the TYAN partnership, CSDI looks forward to advancing youth STEM education through youth research activities and continue introducing youth to latest GIS and software technologies.


  • CSDI has organized several workshops with TAMU Chinese school.

  • CSDI youths have developed two posters at American Association of Geographers annual meeting and University Consortium for Geographic Information Science symposium.

  • CSDI is leading the “TAMU Chinese Guest Speaker Series” which has invited over ten professors from different universities in Europe and the U.S. to give a guest lecture to the kids during the weekend.

  • CSDI led a painting sale program for the Meals-For-Heroes program with paintings made by their youth.